Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Final Post

In the end, I didn't exactly understand all the different family relations between Adrian, Tony, Veronica, and Marry, but I don’t know why people who were related to each other had a baby together. Something that stood out to me the most though was Adrian’s suicide. I felt like not only was his suicide related to realizing he’s having a child and is in love with someone he’s related to, he also proved Tony wrong. Tony said that he couldn't wait for them to break up in his letter, and by committing suicide, it made it completely impossible for any of Tony’s predictions to come true. The idea of suicide begin a sin has been on my mind in general because after talking about people's selfish human nature, why would people care so much about others ending their life. People who commit suicide are labeled as weak and taking an easy way out, however, they probably have the most strength to really be able to take your own life. I am in no way supporting that anyone commits suicide, but I’m just thinking about it in a different prescriptive. 
Another lasting impression I got on the book is the idea of remorse, and looking back on your life. Tony’s life was everything he did not want it to be while he’s a teen, but that probably happens to the majority of adults. Being a teenager, I have big plans and ambitions and want to break free of “societies institutions”. However, once “life just starts happening”, you see how hard it is to break free of that routine and time starts moving quickly. Once Tony reached a certain age his life stopped moving forward and the only thing that kept him going was living through his memories. When you live through your memories, all you can really do is think about what could have happened or things you wished you changed, and I never want to live like that. “We thought we were being mature when we were only being safe” (page101), is sadly true, because that’s what ends up happening to most people’s lives. 

In the end I actually expected more from this book, I thought it was going to be life changing but it wasn't really. I did not mind reading it but I liked Notes From the Underground better because it gave me more to think about. 

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