Before I comment about my feelings
on the book, I believe it is necessary for me to answer the comment towards my
post on the fact that women are manipulative. First, I would like to point out
that my past has nothing to do with anything that I write on this blog. So, if
you think that there is something in my past that might make me upset towards
women then that is for you to guess at but not to bring up since it is
after-all my past and is not up for discussion. Also that quote doesn’t seem to
be on page 49 but I’m sure you can show me later where it’s actually located
but, I digress. The reason why men try to avoid relationships is because women
try to make things complicated. For example, the fact that you want to bring up
the idea that it is part of human evolution to manipulate and therefore all
humans manipulate one another which makes us all liars and evidently
untrustworthy. This of course is not the case but I’ll roll with this idea.
Humans are superior animals that can think and hold strong emotions. Plus, it
is one of our human instincts to have sex since we all want to reproduce
because that is our way of survival. Now, with such a human instinct, we all
share the feeling of infatuation towards others. The definition of infatuation
is: to be inspired with an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for
someone else. So, men who we can agree are more simple-minded when it comes to
emotions, wish to have sex with these women or men they are infatuated by. So,
they “hook up” with one and move to the next. In conclusion, I have just proven
that to “hook up” with several women or men is in fact a part of human
instinct. However, when we think of what the majority of women want from a man,
they want lasting love that should last, immense amounts of attention to be
paid towards them, etc. Plus, women do not see the action of sex the same way
as men do. Men only do so for pleasure and for their human instinct. Women seem
to only do so when they believe that the man they are with actually loves them.
Now, the word love is defined as: an intense feeling of deep affection. So,
when a man leaves a woman because human instinct dictates to him to do so, the
woman eventually gets jealous and sees it necessary to win this man back
because they miss the admiration that was given to them by that man. To win him
back, the woman must strategically recreate the infatuation the man once felt
towards the woman by manipulating and seducing him. And no, if I can prove
mathematically that woman equals evil then I have a problem with woman.
On to the book, it was a lot
easier to interpret than Notes from the Underground but, I did not like the
idea that Veronica was toying with someone like Tony. Tony was an innocent man
who was insecure around women and needed help when it came to conversing with
them. However, Veronica took advantage of his insecurity and exposed it to the
world as if to humiliate him. I did enjoy the character of Mrs. Ford since she
seemed to be the only person who wanted to actually help the poor lad. He could
be classified as a scared lamb among wolves. Majority of women did not want to
help him and fellow men just stood back and laughed as he stumbled over his own
feet. The ending of the book was very confusing due to the fact that we where
only hearing his interpretations but what it seems to be is that Adrian slept
with Mrs. Ford and had a child whom is actually Veronica’s sibling. If not,
then I am completely lost just like Tony. But if so, then it is what Veronica
deserved since she never helped Tony who didn’t want to help her in the end and
which I congratulate him on.
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