Sunday, March 2, 2014

Friday Post

Ok, I never thought I would be saying this, but: I agree with Chow. Women are manipulative. There are no ifs ands or buts. They love attention and they will do absolutely anything they need to do to get it. This includes sleeping with a guy who juste went out to “score”. Anike, you cannot blame men for wanting to engage in sexual intercourse, that is human nature. You can however blame a woman for using a man for money, fame, and power. You can blame a woman for going in between friends as is the case in the novel. I do agree with you: nobody is perfect, but while men only seek pleasure and sexual satisfaction, it is evident that many, in fact, most women seek to use men and other women as pawns in order to get to the king. As for your comment that its in our nature to work for our best interest, there is no denying that, but manipulating others simply for attention is not a survival skill that we learn through evolution. 
Also, to touch upon your comment that some men dread a ‘real’ relationship, have you ever considered that the reason for this is because most women make a ‘real’ relationship in to a power struggle where the one who holds the key to the gate (the woman) holds all the power over the poor car (the man) trying to get into the driveway. It may seem like a silly example but to be honest most men dread relationships because women make them something to dread. 

1 comment:

  1. Daniel, I think you're generalizing here. Not all women will use men in the way you mentioned, and not all relationships are something to dread, otherwise no one would have one. I don't wake up in the morning and think "Well, well, well! How will I use my feminine powers to manipulate someone today?". We're not like that. Also, not all relationships are dysfunctional because of women. Sometimes, it's because of the man. Anyway, I don't think it's excusable to use women for sex because "it's evolution", just like I don't think it's excusable for women to use men for sex.
    You argue that manipulation is not part of human nature, and that men don't do it, but you're forgetting to look at the whole picture.
    Firstly, manipulation for sex is STILL manipulation, and men also use women as "pawns". Ever heard of a guy dating some girl just to get another jealous?
    I'm glad we're bringing this up, because it's an age old stereotype about women that desperately needs to be addressed.
