Thursday, February 27, 2014

2nd Post

Adrian has changes the whole dynamic of Tony friend group. Adrian contrasting personality simultaneous repels and attracts the people around him. Adrian’s way of understanding or interpreting the world around him break boundaries and makes some people feel uncomfortable. The way most boys use humor to shock and confuse the people around him in to laughter or embarrassment, Adrian uses as a way of expressing himself. Reading about him trying to explain to his teacher what he understands history to be, I found very interesting.  When he brought up the recent suicide of a classmate, not for the shock value, as perhaps most of his classmates might have done, he brought it up to really explain a point. He said that even though the boy died extremely recently, no body really knew much about it. It was all a matter of interpretations of both the people actually involved and the bystanders. In fact history might just by a miscommunication and perceptive of people fifty years from the actual event trying to make something from nothing. Then I like how the narrator said that the conversation between the teacher and Adrian was probably not exactly right, but that’s just how he remembers it. I thought it was very clever to use that to make a point about the validity of what Adrian had just said. I thought it was interesting how as they started going to college and writing letters to each other Adrian became the focus of attention. They all craved his approve immensely and wrote him the most, even though the original three had been together longer. Its funny how people want to be liked or close to someone of intelligence or unique personality  because then it makes them feel unique and different as well.     

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