Friday, February 28, 2014


So this book managed to depress me slightly in as little as two pages. I view life as an emotional journey and I know it sounds corny but when you look back on your own life and memories I'd hope that you'd be happy about what you've accomplished or excited about what you've lived. Anthony literally describes the remainder of his life in two pages and doesn't seem either happy nor sad about it. He has no emotion. The life he presents is all factual and scientifically shown; it's like his life was merely an experiment.  "By now I'd left home, and started work as a trainee in arts administration. Then I met Margaret; we married, and three years later Susie was born." I would think that at least when he mentioned his own child, he'd be more descriptive about it, maybe talk about how beautiful of a baby she was or how blessed he was, but no, everything is just cold hard facts. "We bought a small house with a large mortgage; I commuted up go London every day. My traineeship turned into a long career. Life went by." (Page 59) He continues describing his dull seeming life for the next page and a half and no trace of emotion is shown what so ever. It depresses me because I would hope everyone would look back on their life as a happy memory. He acts as though it's a burden and he's quickly trying to get through the basic facts in order to get along with the story.  

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