Wednesday, February 26, 2014

First Response

I am about 40 pages into The Sense of an Ending and I already have to say that I like this book a lot more than I liked reading Notes From The Underground the first time around. I think the part that I enjoy most about this novel is that it is about kids our age, so we know how they interact and the situations that they are put through. It is much easier to relate to. Anyhow, I found it very interesting how things changed greatly overtime. Back when the protagonist was a child, they probably did not have televisions, internet, and other technologies that are available to us today. Because of this, they find entertainment in other spectrums such as reading literature. Instead of quoting a line from a movie, which my friends and I do all the time, they sometimes answer questions using lines from books they read. An interesting point about it though was that out of all of the authors that they named, we have read the vast majority of them in class this year. This made it easier to understand the protagonist’s argument when it involved these authors. Also, I found the character’s arguments quite comical. They enjoyed to mess with the teachers and attempted to prove them wrong. I thought that it was something that all teens would understand as I have seen people do this. Finally, a part of the book that I liked was that they accepted a new kid into their group. 

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