Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thursday Post

     After Adrian's death things began to move a little too quickly. Tony and his friends get together and try to think of more logical explanations for Adrian's suicide. They struggle to come up with any answers, but I am not surprised, there is no way they can figure anything out if the person with all the answers is dead. Even when Adrian was alive he was a man of very few words, so there's limited information left for the boys to discuss. Naturally as the boys grow older they drift apart. They tried to form a reunion on the anniversary of Adrian's death, but it didn't seem to work out. Adrian was the only thing left holding them together, and now that he has gone they carry out their own separate lives.
      I was surprised at how quickly things sped through. In one single page Tony mentions his new job, then his marriage. He soon mentions his daughter, Susie, and then later one explains his divorce. By the bottom of that very same page, Susie is already 24 years old, and soon Tony retires. This is his whole entire life and he has already flew by it. I am more curious than ever to know where this story is heading now. I thought it had something to do with Adrian's death, and that is where the story would commence to unravel, but I guess not, maybe Adrian had little or even nothing at all to do with Tony's intriguing story. I have no idea what he can possibly do now, by the speed at which he told the rest of his life I am guessing it was pretty dull, leaving me curious to find out what could possibly occur after so many years.

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