Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thursday Post

The more I read into this novel, the more I like it. I can really relate to the characters and the situations that are occurring. I really hope that my group of friends does not separate and dissolve as they have after high school. Though I see why it is highly likely and I understand that it is a part of life. I fond the main character a bit weird now more than yesterday. It definitely has something to do with the way he talks about and acts with women. He is a very scientific minded person, he tries to calculate his approach to women and he tries to make it something that has to be planned out. What he doesn't realize is that talking to a woman cannot be planned out, it has to be played by ear because the situation changes drastically minute by minute. I do not really like his girlfriend, I feel like she is a bit of a control freak and she has him completely whipped. I feel like she uses sex to manipulate him. Yes, all women do this but she makes it exceptionally obvious. The way he talks about her and the sex that they don’t have shows that he is completely hungry for her. It is unbelievable yet completely true what men will go through to get into a woman’s pants. He is the perfect example, he puts up with her shit just to maybe get the opportunity of someday scoring a goal. Sadly, he still has had no luck, no open shot. 

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