Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wednesday Post

As I read through the next section of the book, I was able to understand the status and the on going conflicts Webster has with his girlfriend, Veronica. My first impression was that they are an awkward couple. they don't seem to like each other that much, and for doe reason, I got the feeling that something is just keeping them together when they don't really like being with each other. I especially got this idea when Webster spends the weekend at veronica's parent's house. She mined in with there brother and her father in mocking him and challenging him as if it were a test for him to be able to date Veronica. This brings me to another point I found interesting, the role of each parent in their daughter's relationship.

A father always sounds more intimidating to a man's girlfriend than the girlfriends mom does. I found this was exactly the way the author portrayed Veronica's parents as. A soon as Webster arrives with Veronica by train, the dad already picks his luggage and displays some sort of authority towards him. In addition when they arrive at the house, he immediately takes his bag to a room as if designating him to that room to keep things in check between him and Veronica. The mother on the other hand, seemed to be more nice. I got the feeling that she was already sued to this boyfriend stuff and actually tried helping Webster in dealing with Veronica "Don't let her get away with too much". She always payed more attention to him than the others, even more than Veronica when she bailed on him Saturday morning to go for a walk with everybody else.

Even though the relationship between webster and Veronica may seem weak to me, they do have a link together, or at least some emotion. I witnessed that when Webster commented that Veronica would laugh at his friend's joke and he would hate that because she wouldn't laugh at his (maybe cause they are horrible). jealousy is always present in a relationship where at east one of the members has some feelings for the other. I wonder how long this relationship is going to last.

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