Thursday, February 27, 2014

Second Post

I kind of feel bad for Tony. He appears to be somewhat of a misfit. Of course, when he had his friends it was different because he had someone to be a misfit with, but now that he is alone in college and that his girlfriend is a bitch, he must feel alone and pretty lost, which is why a lot of people turn to meaningless sex. I actually find this book pretty funny, like it could be a show for teenagers or a movie. I find it funny because it is just one awkward teenager situation after another and it is funny because the situations are exactly what happens in real life, as if I could picture myself or my friends in Tony’s place.

From the second Tony met Veronica’s mom, I kind of got an idea that she wanted him and was jealous of her daughter. Especially because she basically calls her daughter a rat that can’t be trusted and a pushy bitch. I also think Veronica had a big impact on how Tony became because her depriving him of sex really messed with his head, especially after having sex with him after they broke up. When I read this it made me think that Veronica realized that she messed up by letting Tony go and she knew the only thing that would make him want her back was the sex she never gave him. It also got me thinking when Tony was saying that Veronica only had sex with him when she needed to but not when she didn’t need to. I could relate this to the stranger because the stranger only acts when he needs to, never when he has the free choice to not do it. Veronica felt pressed against the wall for being about to lose Tony forever and so she knew what she needed to do, which sadly didn’t work for her. I also think the only reason she got together with Adrian was because she wanted to get back at Tony and show him what he could have had. 

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