Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 26

The first thing that the book made me think about was time and memories. Time is something that we would think is an absolute and there’s nothing that can effect the forward linear motion of, however that will probably be proven to untrue. NFTU made me think of things in different ways and I can kind of see it playing apart in the way I’m absorbing this book. It helped me realize that even time is not an absolute so there is probably truth that it sometimes speeds up and slows down. The quote “time flies when you’re having fun”, actually seems true; however mathematics would prove to that being false. Yet, since reading NFTU, mathematics is just one possibility and one way to prove something is true, which means it’s not entirely right. 
Memories are like segments of time that get saved in your mind. Your memories may be another reality. It’s true that they sometimes get mixed up in order or they can change with present experiences influencing your perception. When you think of a memory, you also think of the feeling it invokes. I think Barns does a good way of showing small details about Adrian that help invoke a certain feeling about him, like that he does fencing and high jump, or never wore his watch with the face on the inside of the wrist. It’s kind of funny because Adrian seems sort of exotic compared to the rest of his group of friends and does things out of the ordinary. Yet, he won’t participate in the one thing his group of friends do to try to separate themselves from the pack. Wearing his watch normally makes the other kids seem like the true followers.
Something else I like about Adrian is that he does nothing to protect his position in the group. He doesn't purposely adhere to what they do just to be further accepted. Usually, being the new kid that would seem detrimental to his social life, but the fact he doesn't seem to care about how others think of him, it makes him just seem that much more interesting. 

This book flows really well and I think I’m going to enjoy reading it. 

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